Saturday, July 12, 2014

Increases in BMI, waist circumference and skin folds in Dutch teenagers between 2003 and 2011

In a paper just published in the journal Pediatric Obesity we compared anthropometrics of 12- to 14-year-old Dutch adolescents attending lower levels of education in 2011 with adolescents measured in 2003. Femke van Nassau is first author on this paper. We measured adolescents' body height and weight, skin-fold thickness, and waist circumference in 2003 among 1000 youngsters and in 2011 among 1898.
In boys, prevalence of overweight, waist circumference, triceps, biceps and subscapular skin-folds were significantly higher in 2011. This was also true for girls, except for the subscapular skin-fold. These data confirm that -despite the fact that Dutch youngsters are less likely to be overweight than in many other countries - Dutch adolescents have been getting bigger and fatter.

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