Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Schoolchildren from lower educated parents and minority groups have less positive home environments and believes regarding energy balance behaviours

To explore differences in personal and home environmental factors that are regarded as determinants of energy balance-related behaviours (i.e. physical activity, sedentary and dietary behaviours; EBRBs) according to parental education and ethnic background among 10-12 year old schoolchildren across Europe, the data from the cross sectional study of the ENERGY project were analysed (also see the ENERGY website). The results of these analyses were just published in BMC Public Health.
A school-based survey among 10-12 year olds was conducted in eight countries across Europe. A range of personal and home environment variables relevant for soft drink consumption, daily breakfast, sport participation and TV time was assessed by means of child report. Personal factors included attitude, health beliefs, and preference/liking. Home environment factors included parental subjective norm, modeling, support, practices and home availability. Children were classified based on parental education (i.e., low vs. high) and ethnic background (i.e., native vs. non-native). Data from 6018 children in the eight countries were included in the analyses.
Our analyses analyses showed that the majority of the variables tested -and especially home environment variables- were more favorable among children from higher educated parents and from native ethnicity. None of the personal and home environment factors was found to be more favorable among children from lower educated parents or non-native ethnicity.

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