Wednesday, June 23, 2010

An analysis of the VU University Medical Center’s focus areas

The VU University Medical Center (VUmc) has five specific focus areas on which we wish to excel: Cancer and Immunology, ‘Vital Functions’ (i.e. mostly cardiovascular disease oriented), Neurosciences, Movement Sciences, and Extramural and ‘Trans’ mural health care (i.e. mostly focussed on public and occupational health, primary care, rehabilitation, and long-term care). The board of the VUmc has asked for an evaluation and future analysis of each of these focus areas. I chair the committee for the analysis of Extra and Trans Mural health care. Yesterday was the first committee meeting in which the analysis plan was discussed, as well as the timeline and the criteria. The committee consists of experts in primary care, elderly care, internal medicine, psychiatry, rehabilitation medicine, public and occupation health, oncology, diabetes care etc. The analysis is meant to help us realise our specific strengths within these broad focus areas in order to make further choices where and when necessary.

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