Sunday, September 21, 2008

Literature and medicine

Last Thursday I attended a symposium on 'addiction'. This symposium in the literature and medicine series focussed on the role of addiction in literature, in poetry, fiction, song lirics et cetera (see With bright, funny, insightful and sharp contributions of Armand Girbes (, Aafke de Groot, Jelly Brouwers, Arko Oderwald, Stefan Brijs and a musical intermezzo of Rick de Leeuw and Jan Hautekiet, it was a great afternoon. The symposium also introduced the book "Aan de Ketting" ('Chained') on addiction in literature edited by Arko Oderwald, Koos Neuvel and Willem van Tilburg.

Some citations: 'The desire for a cigarette is the desire itself" (Rutger Kopland), and "Addiction is a sanctuary without a roof" (Jelly Brouwers)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Literature and Medicine is a scholarly journal devoted to exploring connections between literary and medical knowledge and understanding.Humanities at the Heart of Health Care is about sharing stories those of published authors.


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