This week I am visiting the Center for Phyiscal Activity and Nutrition Research (C-PAN) at Deaking University, Melbourne, Australia. C-PAN is one of the internationally leading groups in (behavioral) nutrition and physical activity research. Their focus is very similar to parts of the EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research (EMGO+), our Lifestyle, Overweight & Diabetes and Musculoskeletal Health programs in particular. The close collaboration with C-PAN has resulted in a number of joined projects, including involvement of C-PAN staff in the EMGO+ European Commission funded ENERGY project on obesity prevention in school-age children across Europe, and involvement of EMGO+ staff in C-PAN's READY project on resilience to obesity among women from lower socio-economic backgrounds, and a growing number of joint scientific publications. The accompanying photo shows (except for myself and C-PAN's director David Crawford's son Alex) the C-PAN staff that visited EMGO+ in the last couple of years, as well as another regular visitor of C-PAN, Prof. Bob Jeffery from the epidemiology unit of the University of Minnesota, USA. (Notice C-PAN in chocolate letters, in anticipation of the Dutch Sinterklaas festivities....)